Author: Ciarra Colacino

Chris Celebrates 20 Years at Dillanos

Core Value #1:
Always possess honesty, integrity, and loyalty.

“I believe this is our #1 Core Value because it is the most important. I truly believe that every long term employee at Dillanos strives to live this.

Some days are harder than others, but trying to live by these three key attributes — honesty, integrity, and loyalty — will help you prosper in life.”

Chris Pugh

A Natural Leader

Chris Pugh supervises the Inbound Department for DCR’s 126,000 square foot headquarters in Sumner, WA, but he originally started in 2005 with another company owned by Co-CEOs David J. Morris and Chris Heyer, Atomic Espresso Distribution, as a member of Delivery Operations.

Atomic Espresso Distribution was separate from Dillanos Coffee Roasters back then, as many long-term employees fondly recall. Chris was a natural leader and within just a few months of coming on board, he was in charge of several key operations departments: Warehouse, Inbound (Receiving), Outbound (Shipping), and Delivery teams.

As demands increased and the Dillanos brand swelled to serving hundreds of specialty coffee retailers across the country, Atomic Distributing consolidated operations into Dillanos Coffee Roasters, taking Chris Pugh’s leadership along with it.

More Than a Mission

Working for twenty years at a growing company means making many friends along the way.

Owners David J. Morris and Chris Heyer are known for setting a strong example by being hands-on and in the trenches with their staff. Chris has always appreciated their commitment to ensuring all team members have a complete understanding of the company’s goals, culture, and vision for the future.

Extending beyond the workplace, Chris holds a special appreciation for how these values and relationships have enriched his personal life as well.

It’s more than a mission, it’s what makes Dillanos Dillanos.

Chris’s Coffee Recommendation

Moka Java is my current go-to.

The Ethiopian coffee component has a bright, clean blueberry note and the Sumatra gives an earthy darkness to the blend.

Together those flavor attributes make a great cup of coffee!”

Fun Fact About Chris!

Chris designed and developed the 12-Cup Carrier Tray currently sold to and used by wholesale customers across the nation.

He had a blast using his knowledge and experience to create a product that was efficient to ship, able to accommodate a variety of beverage sizes and types, and was fully recyclable.

Tim Celebrates 10 Years at Dillanos

Operations Manager Extraordinaire

We’re celebrating the 10-year anniversary of Tim Lidstrom. Tim serves as our Operations Manager — when he’s not lending a hand at the grill, of course.

Leading DCR operations involves agility, a can-do attitude, and a passion for delighting customers. Whether brewing coffee at home or serving lattes from cafes coast to coast, Tim wants to make sure your order arrives on time and with the utmost freshness.

Core Values as a Way of Life

When asked which of our Core Values resonates the deepest with Tim, he responded “Be friendly and have a sense of humor!”

He explains, “Being a part of DCR is about more than just employment. There are many places to work, but when you find a place that focuses on friendliness and finding the fun in your work, it’s amazing.  It creates a culture that can’t be taught or forced because it is a symptom of genuine people and evidence of a long-standing vision that started from the beginning of Dillanos.”

Making Friends and Having Fun

We asked Tim what he appreciates the most about DCR, no surprise to us his mind went to his co-workers and a sense of genuine camaraderie.

“I appreciate DCR’s commitment to employing good people.  It’s not exactly easy to get through DCR’s rigorous interview process, but the company’s tenacity to find individuals who are a mutually good fit is like no other.”

Tim’s Coffee Recommendation

Tim’s favorite coffee after a decade of leading operations around our headquarters: Dillons Blend. He says it’s great no matter how you serve it — drip brew, classic espresso, mixed with milk over ice in the summer. Our flagship blend is a favorite among many staff and customers alike!

12 Days of Coffee

From December 1st through 15th, we’re offering 22% off any of the coffees featured below.

Dillanos Coffee Roasters staff know great coffee. After all, we drink it year round. From limited edition single origins to blends with classic flavor notes, Dillanos offers a wide variety of coffees to cafes across the nation and directly to your home just the same. With so many options to choose from, we wanted to share twelve coffees that our team felt were true stand outs this year.

Maybe you’ll be inspired to try something new…

Maybe you’ll find the perfect gift for the coffee lover in your life…

No matter what you discover, we’re thrilled to share some of this year’s favorites from our resident experts: our awesome staff!

Howie’s Blend

Rich, full body. Toast aroma. Tastes of dark chocolate.

Howie’s Blend feels like slipping into your favorite cozy sweater—it’s warm, familiar, and comforting.

The classic dark chocolate notes and toasty aroma wrap you in a sense of home, making every sip as inviting as a favorite place to relax.

Perfect for anyone who craves a coffee that’s both rich and down-to-earth.”


Strong, heavy body. Toasted oak aroma. Tastes of earthy, bittersweet chocolate.

Sumatra is my go-to dark roast for the holidays. It’s the right amount of earthy, and the notes of bittersweet chocolate bring on all the cozy vibes.

Whether it’s enjoyed with loved ones or there as support for those late-night gift-wrapping sessions, Sumatra is the perfect blend to warm you up this holiday season!”

Swiss Water Decaf

Rich, full body. Floral aroma. Tastes of toasted grain.

Swiss Water Decaf makes a typically morning-only drink into a cozy anytime beverage. 

The coffee is named after the decaffeination process used. Swiss water is a 100% chemical free process that was invented in Switzerland (of course) and allows us to maintain the organic certification for our coffee.

Finally I can come in from the cold and warm up with a hot cup of coffee and know I will still be able to sleep.”

Papua New Guinea

Rich, heavy body. Dried fruit aroma. Tastes of raisin.

“One of my favorite things about living in the beautiful PNW is its incredible natural diversity – it’s an area of rich contrast. You can stand on a rocky mountain top and breathe in the frigid air blowing off an ancient glacier. Within an hour’s drive you’re on the shore and, if you get really lucky, watch Orcas swim by.

Our Papua New Guinea is that feeling in a cup for me. A coffee that’s a lighter roast and has a fruity sweetness, tastes of raisin and grapes come to mind. At the same time it’s incredibly rich and full bodied; a combination rarely found in one coffee.”

Green Planet

Rich, full body. Floral aroma. Tastes of cocoa.

“There’s nothing like a warm cup of Green Planet on a crisp, sunny fall morning.

This rich, full-bodied brew has the perfect balance of floral aromas and cocoa notes–it’s autumn in a cup!

What I love most? It’s USDA Organic and Fair Trade Certified, so I’m sipping with a clear conscience, knowing it is sourced responsibly.

Whether I’m curling up with a good book or getting a little work done, this coffee never disappoints. Definitely try this one for yourself.”


Rich, full body. Sweet aroma. Tastes of malt & honey.

Skylar’s has been my favorite Dillanos coffee this year! It’s a blend of coffees from Ethiopia and Brazil, two growing regions that complement each other really well. Ethiopian brings the complexity to the equation, while Brazilian beans round things out with its natural richness and full body.

Those characteristics underscored by tasty malt and honey flavors make this drink exactly what I look for in a coffee.”

Rio Azul

Rich, full body. Rye aroma. Tastes of milk chocolate.

“I’ve always liked coffee, but tended to favor darker roasts. I think that’s pretty common for a lot of us… thinking darker roasts means richer coffee flavors.

Enter Rio Azul.

It’s one of the first lighter roast blends that I’ve tried, and wow was I surprised. Despite being a medium-light roast, this coffee has a rich, full body with creamy milk chocolate flavor notes.

There’s a lot going on with our Rio Azul, which is pretty cool given that it’s actually a single origin — That means the beans come from one single place: a region called Huehuetenango in Northern Guatemala.

Since taking the leap away from dark roasts, Rio Azul has been a favorite of mine. Anytime it’s prepared in the front lobby, I always grab a cup.”

Omission Decaf

Crisp, full body. Molasses aroma. Tastes of maple syrup.

“I’ve become a recent fan of our Omission Decaf Blend because it’s proof that you don’t have to sacrifice amazing coffee flavor just because it’s decaf!

My husband and I switched to “unleaded” coffee a few months ago and haven’t looked back! It’s our go-to for that perfect morning aroma and nostalgia or a cozy cup in the evenings by the fire with our pup.

Now I can enjoy my post-2pm coffee fix without staying up all night. It’s the best of both worlds!”


Strong, light body. Toasted aroma. A lasting, sweet, smoky taste.

“I love Rogue for its perfect balance. And that’s really saying something because this coffee blends beans sourced from no less than four different regions around the globe!

Rogue has this sweet, somewhat smoky taste that plays off great against its strong body. Even with the depth that comes from a medium-dark roast, this coffee manages to finish light on the tongue… it’s impressive.”

Ava Blonde

Crisp, light body. Almond aroma. Tastes of malt & chocolate.

“As part of the roasting team at Dillanos, it’s not always easy to choose a favorite coffee. This year, Ava Blonde caught my attention…

While chocolate flavor notes are a real crowd-pleaser for most coffee lovers, Ava Blonde takes that up a notch by bringing a nod of malt and an almond aroma to the table. That almond aroma is so unique and gives Ava Blonde real distinction among a huge variety of great Dillanos coffees.

Whether it’s espresso, Aeropress, pour over, or a simple pot of drip brew, Ava Blonde will always taste amazing.”

Hannah’s Private Reserve

Rich, heavy body. Nougat aroma. Tastes of sweet chocolate.

“I love making Hannah’s Private Reserve first thing in the morning because it fills my house with the sweet aroma of nougat and chocolate. It’s such a treat!

There’s nothing better than getting your day started with an amazing cup of coffee that doesn’t even need creamer, because it’s that awesome!”

Special Dark

Rich, heavy body. Nougat aroma. Tastes of sweet chocolate.

Special Dark is my go-to coffee, every morning. It has a full body, black licorice aroma and tastes of dark chocolate.

Normally I drink this black, but during the holiday season, I love to add a splash of Peppermint Mocha creamer. I even brew this in the early morning hours on Christmas for Santa, to stay on his “nice” list. He is never disappointed! “

It’s a Wonderful Blend Competition

And the winner is…

We have a tradition here at Dillanos Coffee Roasters. Every year we release a brand new version of It’s a Wonderful Blend, our holiday coffee. Our team of professional coffee roasters join in a friendly competition against one another to craft a proprietary blend of coffee, contending to be this season’s selection for the coveted It’s a Wonderful Blend.

Director of Coffee, Phil Beattie, sets the perimeters. From countries of origin to target flavor profiles, Phil issues the challenge… and our roasting pros boldly accept!

This year, the competitors were tasked to develop a blend of coffees of from these countries: Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, and/or Java. They could be used in whatever portion the roaster determines and roasted to the degree they believed would showcase the target flavor, body, aroma, and overall holiday-ness of the blend for their final product.

Six competed, and six impressed. It was a tough lot this year! So tough, in fact, that two blends tied in the original judging. We had to put it to a tie-breaking vote, inviting all staff and our customers to weigh in!

After setting both coffees out in the lobby for a week differentiated as “Dancer” and “Prancer” to keep the two totally anonymous, a winner prevailed: Trevor Kajca’s “Prancer”! Trevor’s blend featured 50% Costa Rica, 40% Colombia, and 10% Honduras and was roasted to a medium-light.

This coffee presented with an intense, full body, candied aroma, and lighter flavors of clove and sweet figs. The aftertaste is smooth and it tastes incredible brewed with a French Press.

Judging the Competition

Co-CEOs David J. Morris and Chris Heyer personally taste every entry into the competition.

Blends are brewed in a variety of methods. French press, Chemex, and Pour over are all represented in this year’s competition.

Each submission is judged blind… Our team of experts are able to identify the subtle nuances between the six entries and rank them accordingly.

Competitors take care to brew their personal blends crafted to hit the targets set by Director of Coffee, Phil Beattie.

Leaders from all departments are invited to line up, grab a cup, and assess each entry for aroma, flavor profile, mouthfeel, and overall appeal.

Buy a bag of our holiday blend and check out our brand new holiday gift boxes today!

Holiday Shop

It’s a Wonderful Blend

Intense, full body. Candied aroma. Tastes of clove and sweet figs.

It’s A Wonderful Blend was artfully crafted by one of our resident professional coffee roasters, Trevor, in this year’s competition.  His blend combines coffees from Costa Rica, Colombia, and Honduras, and is roasted to a moderate medium-light.

This coffee has a candied aroma, full body, and flavor notes of clove and a sweet figs. A perfect balance of bold and smooth, this coffee is exactly what we want to serve and sip this holiday season!

The Dillons Box

Each box contains 12 oz of It’s a Wonderful Blend along with Dillons, our flagship blend. Dillons has been a best-seller since we first started roasting coffee in 1992! It’s a medium-roast coffee that boasts a rich, full body with an intoxicating roasted hazelnut aroma and chocolatey flavor notes.

Choose from whole bean or drip grind, and use the complementary gift tag to personalize your gift.

The Barista 22 Gift Box

Perfect for the mocha lover in your life, the Barista 22 Gift Box offers a 12 oz bag of It’s a Wonderful Blend coffee in your choice of whole bean or drip grind paired with two decadent Barista 22 sauces.

Stir it in or drizzle on top! The Barista 22 Chocolate and White Chocolate Sauces add luxurious flavors and a festive finishing touch.

These sauces bring the flavors of a professional cafe to the comfort of home. From coffee to cocktails, B22 Chocolate and White Chocolate Sauces will elevate any of your holiday creations.

The Peppermint Treats Gift Box

Enjoy the newest addition to the Dillanos Coffee Roasters family: Avalanche Baking Company!

Four extra-large Peppermint Crispy Rice Treats, paired with 12 oz It’s a Wonderful Blend, are the perfect gift for the sweet tooth in your life. It’s coffee and dessert in a box!

Available for a limited time, we can’t get enough of these peppermint treats around the Dillanos headquarters!

Women in Business

Sumner’s Chamber of Commerce Hosts an evening honoring women in business.

We joined the Puyallup Sumner Chamber of Commerce’s 6th Annual Women in Business event, celebrating leadership, mentorship, and women’s history on September 26, 2024.

An evening of inspiring speakers and business expo, Team DCR was thrilled to hear from the President & CEO of United Way Pierce County, the Chief Nurse Executive of MultiCare Good Samaritan Hospital, and Puyallup Food Bank leadership.

Dillanos Coffee Roasters is a proud member of the Puyallup-Sumner community and has hosted the Chamber of Commerce many times at our facility in Sumner, WA.

Bjorn Celebrates 25 years at DCR

“My number one priority is to get great coffee to our customers with quality and consistency.”

Bjorn started in 1999 by packaging coffee.

Dillanos was only in its seventh year of business in 1999, the future that was to unfold in the decades to come still unknown.

Just a teen and a new member of the packaging team, Bjorn’s potential was undiscovered. Though, it wouldn’t take long for him to become an instrumental force in driving the caliber of coffee for which Dillanos is known. And become DCR’s longest running employee.

Only months into his packaging role, Bjorn jumped at the opportunity to join the roaster apprenticeship program. There, he would spend the next 12 months learning the industry standards for professional coffee roasting as well as the proprietary techniques and blends DCR had already crafted in its early years.

Dillanos was gaining traction around the Puget Sound area and Bjorn was inspired to further that momentum.

As Dillanos was rapidly expanding in the early 2000’s, Bjorn’s passion for coffee followed in-step. Soon he was diving into the world of coffee — engaging a truly global market from the small town of Sumner, Washington.

While producing freshly roasted coffee at scale demands expertise, the secret to a successful coffee roastery is dependent upon the relationships formed with farming communities worldwide. Bjorn’s genuine kindness and natural ability to work alongside anyone made this seemingly daunting task look easy. Despite language barriers and accessibility challenges, friendships were formed and speciality coffees of all varietals and processes were offered. Dillanos had a true professional working on their behalf to source the world’s most competitive green coffees.

Fast forward 25 years, Bjorn now partners with the Director of Coffee to both select which coffees Dillanos will purchase and to oversee quality control for the millions of pounds of coffee roasted each year.

Quality control at Dillanos Coffee Roasters means ensuring highly rated flavor markers and coffee characteristics are present and meet consistency standards for all new coffees under consideration as well as the coffees available seasonally and year-round.

The best way to test a coffee’s quality remains the same: by tasting it. This is a core component of Bjorn’s role with Dillanos. Often sampling between seven to twenty different coffees each week, Bjorn spends hours roasting small batches of green coffee beans, grinding, brewing, and professionally tasting the results in a process known as “cupping”. After a full assessment, Bjorn offers his feedback to the producer or farmer and makes a decision to onboard the beans for a new limited edition coffee or perhaps as a new standard, year-round option.

Between evaluating prospective coffees and testing the hundreds of DCR branded and privately labeled coffees proudly served by our wholesale customers, Bjorn wouldn’t be surprised if they test around 10,000 cups of coffee per year.

Dillanos serves thousands of wholesale and retail customers across the nation by offering a broad spectrum of single origins, custom blends, and limited edition coffees sourced from farms large and small from every growing region on the planet.

What’s it like to be a Green Coffee Buyer?

Seasonality plays a role in the average day of a Green Coffee Buyer. “What’s ready in Papua New Guinea will not be ready at the same time in Guatemala” Bjorn says. On average, peak harvesting seasons tend to occur in late spring to early summer and then again in early-to-mid fall.

When Bjorn’s not roasting small samples of green coffee sent to Dillanos from farms and producers across the globe, he keeps an eye on various operational departments and processes at DCR headquarters. He verifies grind selections remain accurate and consistent for his original stomping grounds, the packaging department. He monitors the organic logs, ensuring that we meet every standard for certification. And he lends a hand at any staff event, celebration, or meeting.

Bjorn lives and breathes coffee, and he reinvests back into the teams that continue to make Dillanos a beloved and trusted brand.

What’s Bjorn’s Favorite DCR Coffee?

As you might imagine, this is a tough question for Bjorn to answer. It tends to change a lot. He says that his favorite will be whatever is tasting great at the time.

With coffee preferences being about as subjective as it gets, Bjorn shares that he personally prefers the fruit-forward flavor notes found in washed and naturally processed coffees particularly from Ethiopia–the birthplace of coffee.

He also loves well-balanced Central American coffees, such as Rio Azul.

Help People. Make Friends. Have Fun!

That’s the Dillanos Coffee Roasters mission statement.

When asked which resonates the most with him, Bjorn answers “Help People, first. The other two are tied for second.”

Bjorn wants to be to regarded as someone willing to help, big or small. And for those who are fortunate enough to work alongside him, a resounding “YOU ARE!” is unanimous.

After 25 years, it’s the work environment that still means the most to him. “It’s a unique, special place.” He appreciates the continued industry and business evolution that DCR presses into while still keeping the family-oriented atmosphere in tact.

“DCR is a company that focuses on community, family, and staff. They encourage you through the good stuff and support you through the bad.”

Phil Beattie, Director of Coffee, shares “I’ve known Bjorn since we were both attending Sumner High School! I’ve always said that Bjorn is the “spirit animal” of Dillanos. He has high moral character, an absolute commitment to quality, and he is always the first to lend a hand. Just a solid guy who has always lived the DCR mission to Help People, Make Friends, and Have Fun!”

Dillanos offers special benefits tiered to reflect the length of service, regardless of the position held.

At 25 years, Bjorn is awarded a significant amount of bonus paid time off. When asked how he hoped to use that bonus time this year, it was no surprise that his plans involved creating special moments with family.

From Disneyland to extended camping trips at his favorite places in Washington State, there are no shortage of ideas in mind.

The idea he is gravitating toward the most will take him and his family back to a special place: Neah Bay, Washington.

Bjorn’s father once participated in an archeological dig in the area, researching a major mudslide that wiped out an entire village, preserving it in exceptional condition in the process. His father identified an artifact from this dig while he was in college, and it remains on display in a museum to this day.

He wants to share this important experience with his wife and kids, ages 9 and 12. No doubt, the Mission Statement he has ascribed to for the last 25 years not far from his mind.

Dillanos Coffee Roasters employs over 100 employees and was recently named the 5th best place to work in Washington State. As of September 2024, 22% of Dillanos staff have been employed for ten years or more. Bjorn is DCR’s longest running employee.

To view our open positions, please visit our Work Here page.

DCR is one of the best places to work in Washington

Dillanos is one of Washington’s Best Workplaces

Hosted by the Puget Sound Business Journal, Washington’s Best Workplaces honors local employers.

The contest is designed to recognize companies that do an exceptional job of cultivating an engaged staff where their value is known and celebrated.

Companies are assessed in six key areas:

  • Communication & Resources
  • Individual Needs
  • Manager Effectiveness
  • Personal Engagement
  • Team Dynamics
  • Trust in Leadership

Nominated companies are provided with an independently managed survey for each staff member to complete. Responses are tallied by Quantum Workplace. Quantum hosts Best Workplace contests for publications and business communities across the nation.

Washington’s Best Places to Work

Sponsored by the Puget Sound Business Journal, this is the first appearance by Dillanos Coffee Roasters.

“Receiving this award was a thrilling surprise. It’s an incredible honor to be recognized as one of Washington’s best places to work, especially ranking #5 in the large business category.

Walking the bases at T-Mobile Park and celebrating with my long-time colleague Enrique felt surreal, but it was also a proud moment for all of us at Dillanos Coffee Roasters. After 23 years here, I can confidently say this award reflects the genuine dedication our Co-CEOs have put into fostering a positive culture and making Dillanos a great place to work for everyone.”

Carissa H., Chief of Staff

Co-CEOs David J. Morris and Chris Heyer celebrated 30 years in 2022

A passion for entrepreneurship and a drive for success, David J. Morris set out on a venture and founded Dillanos Coffee Roasters. Dillanos, named after his oldest son Dillon, opened as an espresso cart in 1992 in front of the well-known Sunshine Mart, a convenience store located in Buckley, Washington.

The Sunshine Mart, which still stands today, was owned, and operated by Howard Heyer, David’s stepfather. Howard, or Howie as many called him, took a chance with David and his coffee cart and the two developed a business partnership.

The cart was fueled by David’s enthusiasm, Howard’s business background, and a sincere desire to offer great coffee and great service. The following year they set out and opened two more retail locations and would begin to make decisions that would shape the business for years to come.

In 1994, David’s brother, Chris Heyer, joined the family business at the age of 19 and bought into the company as a third owner. Chris had worked as an experienced barista at a coffee cart outside of a local grocery store. Together, they kicked off Dillanos Coffee Roasters as a wholesale coffee roasting operation. It wasn’t long before the brothers were soaking up information from coffee professionals throughout the country. They learned from the ground up what it takes to source high-quality green coffee, perfect nuanced roast profiles, and create balanced, smooth-tasting blends.

They were passionate about the artistry of bringing out a coffee’s inherent character with just a small nudge of time and temperature. They soon sold the retail stores and put all their energy into wholesale roasting at a new location in Sumner, Washington. As the family business continued to expand, Dillanos Coffee Roasters grew from a tiny three-person outfit to a nationally recognized roaster with more than 1,500 wholesale locations serving Dillanos Coffee across the country.

Today, Dillanos Coffee Roasters employs more than 100 enthusiastic staff members and roasts for some of the country’s most recognized specialty coffee brands.

To view our open positions, please visit our Work Here page.

Decaf Training for DCR Staff

Did you know?

One cup of brewed coffee has more caffeine than one cup of green tea, one shot of espresso, and a can of cola combined?

There are two chemical-free methods for decaffeinating coffee?

That caffeine has positive health benefits, including the reduced risk of developing certain cancers?

Thanks to two members from our professional roasting team, employees at Dillanos Coffee Roasters had a chance to learn the answers to those questions and more.

Ongoing Staff Education

One of our most important core values at Dillanos Coffee Roasters is Core Value #5: Never Stop Learning & Growing.

We put this core value into action when two of our dedicated roasters hosted a workshop for staff this summer.

Tyler and Trevor presented to their coworkers from Customer Support, Finance, Sales, Outbound, HR, and fellow roasters at our headquarters in Sumner, Washington this July. The duo taught on decaffeinated coffee.

Our staff was able to learn about the processes by which caffeine is extracted from coffee beans, the health benefits and risks of caffeine, as well as popular studies and controversial topics surrounding caffeine and decaffeination methods through this presentation.

Everyone walked away with a greater appreciation for decaf and the four different options we have available for our customers.

Decafs by Dillanos

French Roast Decaf

Dark Roast. Strong, light body. Smoky aroma. Tastes of tobacco.

Mach-Ninni Decaf

Medium-dark roast. Rich, light body. Clove aroma. Nutty taste.

Omission Decaf

Medium-light roast. Crisp, full body. Molasses aroma. Tastes of maple syrup.

Swiss Water Decaf

Medium roast. Rich, full body. Floral aroma. Tastes of toasted grain.

Your Coffee Questions, Answered!


For some, it’s the flavor. For others, the craft.

But for many of us that start our day with a cup of coffee, it’s the jolt of caffeine that drives the ritual.

Not surprisingly, the question that’s asked about as often as roast degree is “how much caffeine is in my coffee”?

And the answer is about as complex as the flavor profiles we seek.

Several factors contribute to caffeine content, such as the origin of the coffee beans, the species or varietal of the trees, and the volume of coffee used to name a few.

On average, an 8 oz serving of drip brewed coffee delivers about 96 mg of caffeine while a double shot of espresso comes in at 128 mg. That said, there are a few variables that can influence the exact amount of caffeine a particular beverage contains.

We’ve answered some of the most common questions about caffeine and other coffee-related curiosities in this post. Read below for our recommendations on proper storage techniques, the difference between single origins and blends, and even a shout out to the one of the latest trends in coffee: nitro cold brew.

So what is the biggest impact on how much caffeine is in a cup of coffee?

By far the largest impact on caffeine content is the ratio of coffee grounds to water used to produce the coffee.  

A portafilter of tamped ground beans to produce a 1 oz shot of espresso yields 64 mg of caffeine. Whereas common drip brews, which can vary from 1 to 4 ounces of coffee by weight, deliver around 96 mg of caffeine in an 8 oz cup.

This means the thin, watery stuff trying to pass for coffee indeed has far less caffeine than the so-strong-you-can-stand-a-spoon-in-it cup of Joe.

DL Lucent Mug by DCR Coffee


What about light roast versus dark roast?  

This age old question has a quick answer: the difference in caffeine content based on roast is negligible.  

We did an experiment a few years ago where we took a single variety coffee from a single parcel on a farm, roasted it to a wide degree of roasts, and sent the ground coffee to a lab for testing.  

The results were quite clear that the degree of roast had a very small effect on the caffeine content. 

In explanation, caffeine has a sublimation temperature of 178℃ (352℉), which means caffeine won’t even begin roasting out of the bean until this temperature threshold is crossed.

Typically, coffee beans are above this temperature for a relatively short period of time in the roasting process. Time spent beyond the sublimation threshold is not long enough to have a major effect on the caffeine content.


What About Decaf?

Decaffeinated coffee has around 97% of the caffeine removed, which means there is still about 3% of the caffeine still in the bean.  

The rule about the biggest impact on caffeine content (volume of grounds used) still applies. If you prepare a very light brew of decaf, the caffeine will be very small trace amounts.  

However, if you fill pack the filter full with decaf, you will end up with a measurable (although still small) amount of caffeine.


For our white coffee product, we use a species of coffee called Robusta.  

Robusta is typically used as a commercial lower grade coffee, but we source a high quality version of this species for white coffee

On average, Robusta has double the caffeine content of the Arabica species that we use for our fully roasted coffees.  

The result is that the white coffee has double the caffeine content, but contrary to popular opinion, it is due to the beans not the roast.

Can white coffee be brewed as a drip or pour over?

To brew white coffee using a pour-over method, you can use the same technique as you would with regular coffee, but adjust the water temperature and brewing time accordingly.

For example, you might use a water temperature of around 185-190℉ and a brewing time of 2 to 3 minutes, rather than the higher temperatures and longer brewing times typically used for regular coffee.


The main difference between a blend and a single-origin coffee is where the coffee beans come from.

Single-origin coffee comes from one specific geographic location, such as a particular farm, estate, or region. This means that all of the beans in a single-origin coffee are sourced from the same place and are likely to have similar flavor profiles based on the terroir, or the unique environmental factors that influence the coffee’s flavor (soil composition, altitude, and climate).

Single-origin coffees can be a great way to experience the unique flavors of a particular coffee-growing region and to appreciate the nuances of different varieties of coffee.

In contrast, a coffee blend is made by combining beans from multiple locations or regions.

Coffee blends are often created to achieve a specific flavor profile or to balance out the flavors of different beans. Blends can include beans that are sourced from different countries, regions, or even different roasts of the same bean.

By combining different beans, coffee roasters can create blends that have a unique and consistent flavor profile, which can be appealing to coffee drinkers who prefer a particular taste or style of coffee.


Does DCR Use Arabica or Robusta Coffee Beans?

Dillanos Coffee Roasters exclusively uses Arabica coffee beans in our coffee blends and single-origin offerings.

Arabica beans are known for their higher quality and more nuanced flavor profile compared to Robusta beans, which are often used in lower-quality coffee blends.

By using Arabica beans, Dillanos is able to offer coffee that is rich, flavorful, and aromatic. 

The two exceptions are White Coffee and Double Dark where we add Robusta to increase the caffeine content.


What is the best way to store coffee?

The best way to store coffee is to keep it in an airtight container in a cool, dry place, away from light and heat.

Exposure to air, moisture, light, and heat can all affect the flavor and freshness of coffee, so it’s important to take steps to protect your coffee beans from these factors.

There’s a common myth that coffee retains its freshness longer when stored in the freezer. In fact, freezing coffee will actually cause it go to stale faster. Whether whole bean or pre-ground, moisture (and odor!) can be absorbed by the coffee, which affects both freshness and flavor.

Here are some tips for storing coffee:

Use an airtight container: Oxygen can cause coffee to go stale, so it’s important to store your coffee in an airtight container to prevent exposure to air.

Keep it in a cool, dry place: Heat and moisture can also affect the quality of coffee, so it’s best to store your coffee in a cool, dry place, such as a pantry or cupboard.

Avoid light: Light can cause coffee to break down and lose its flavor, so it’s best to store your coffee in a dark place, such as a cabinet or opaque container.

How long will coffee stay fresh in a sealed bag?

The shelf life of coffee can vary depending on several factors, including the type of coffee, the roast level, the packaging, and storage conditions.

However, as a general rule of thumb, whole bean coffee that is stored in a sealed bag or container can stay fresh for about 3 to 4 weeks, while ground coffee can start to lose its flavor and freshness within 1 to 2 weeks.


What is the difference between regular and nitro cold brew?

Regular cold brew is made by steeping coarsely ground coffee in cold water for an extended period of time, usually between 12 to 24 hours. This results in a concentrated coffee that is typically diluted with water or milk and served over ice.

Nitro cold brew, on the other hand, is cold brew coffee that has been infused with nitrogen gas, which gives it a smooth, creamy texture and a frothy head that’s similar to a Guinness beer.

The nitrogen gas is typically added to the cold brew coffee using a special tap system, which results in a unique and refreshing coffee experience.

PRO TIP: Nitro cold brew makes the most incredible ice cream floats!

Peppermint Bliss Recipe

Peppermint Bliss Latte Recipe

Indulge in the festive magic with our Peppermint Bliss Latte!

Crafted with a harmonious blend of B22 Peppermint Syrup, a touch of B22 Almond Syrup, bold espresso, and velvety milk, this latte is a symphony of holiday flavors that will transport you to a winter wonderland with every sip.

Get ready to savor the perfect balance of minty freshness and nutty warmth in this seasonal delight. It’s not just a latte; it’s a sip of holiday joy!

Ingredients for an 12 oz latte:

Don’t have an espresso machine? This recipe is easy to modify by swapping espresso for brewed coffee and steamed milk for a splash of cream.

PS: Both of these syrups are available in sugar-free!

Barista 22 Peppermint Syrup

Get ready to sleigh your holiday beverage game with Barista 22 Peppermint Syrup – the ultimate festive sidekick! This syrup isn’t your average Joe; it’s a flavor wizard, turning your usual coffee, hot chocolate, or even cocktails into holiday masterpieces.

Picture this: a burst of refreshing peppermint magic that takes your taste buds on a joyride. The holidays are all about making memories, and with Barista 22 Peppermint Syrup, every sip becomes a celebration. It’s like adding a sprinkle of holiday cheer to your cup, striking the perfect balance between sweetness and minty freshness.

Whether you’re a home barista extraordinaire or just want to up your festive drink game, this syrup is your golden ticket. So, let the festivities flow, one delicious sip at a time, and let Barista 22 Peppermint Syrup be the star of your holiday sips!

Sip, sip. Hooray!

Insulated Drip Brewer Starter Set

Insulated Drip Brewer Starter Set

An insulated drip brewer offers several compelling reasons for coffee enthusiasts to consider it as their brewing method of choice.

The insulation feature helps maintain a consistent and optimal brewing temperature throughout the entire process… and after brewing is complete.

Unlike traditional drip brewers that may have warming plates that can lead to overcooking and a burnt taste, the insulation in these brewers keeps the coffee at an ideal temperature without compromising its quality.

To get started using an insulated drip brewer, we recommend these items:

An insulated drip brewer offers temperature stability, prolonged heat retention, and convenient programmable features, making it a compelling choice for those who prioritize a consistently excellent cup of coffee and value the convenience of modern brewing technology.

They run a little more than regular coffee makers, but convenience that doesn’t compromise quality is worth the investment.